This video is a presentation of the evidence for the existence of Jesus. It uses only non- biblical sources and goes through the skeptical arguments for each claim. It will be surprising for some to see how much evidence for the historicity of Jesus there actually is, in fact there is more evidence for Jesus' existence, as you will see, than there is for most of the prominent figures in ancient history. *Warning* Watching this video will take away your ability to claim honestly that Jesus was a myth.
Unraveling the Connections between Aliens, Demons, and Christianity|With Dr. Brian Huffling--- "Non-Christian Academic Researchers Say Aliens Are Demons"
Potentially the Most Important Info You Will Ever Come Across... Or Maybe Not, But As the Boyscouts Say Always Be Prepared!
I've researched the afterlife for nearly 10 years. I am convinced that Reptilian beings are REAL and that the tunnel of light that people see when they die is a trap.---A now deleted comment mentioned that perhaps one can only be trapped if their consciousness resonates at a low vibration like the reptilians. I think there is wisdom there!
IS JESUS REAL? - NON-BIBLICAL EVIDENCE OF HIS EXISTENCE---How Can the Divinity of Christ Be Proven? How can we be certain about the identity of Jesus? Why would anyone believe He was something more than a mere man? How could we ever know for sure? Jesus’ Authority Was Based in His Deity---Evidence Humans Can Walk on Water---A THOUSAND WAYS TO WALK ON WATER! #PRAISEJESUS